The Source
Sampling, Testing & Inspection


The STI (Sampling, Testing and Inspection) section includes links to QPLs (Qualified Products Lists), GSP, GDT and SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures).

STI Quick Guide

STI Documents

Below you will find various STI sections in the following categories:​

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GDT - 1 Measurement of Water Permeability of Compacted Asphalt Paving Mixtures
GDT 4 - Determining Gradation of Soils (6-23-2020)
GDT 5 - Portland Cement Reaction of Sand-cement Rip-rap
GDT 6 - Determining Volume Change of Soil
GDT 7 - Determining Maximum Density of Soils (3/25/2020)
GDT 8 - Sand-Bituminous Mixtures
GDT 10 - Chemical Analysis of Agricultural Lime and Limerock
GDT 11 - Dehydrating and Distilling Cutback Asphalt Emulsion To Determine Asphalt Content
GDT 12 - Anti-stripping Determination of Cutback Asphalt Emulsions
GDT 13 - Gradation of Soil-aggregate
GDT 15 - Elastomeric Polymer Type Joint Compound
GDT 19 - Determining Maximum Density of Soil-cement Mixtures
GDT 20 - Determining Field Density of Soils with < 45%, Retained on 2 mm sieve (& < 10% retained on 25 mm sieve)
GDT 21 - Determining Field Density of Soils Containing > 45% retained on 2 mm sieve (or >10% retained on 25 mm sieve)
GDT 22 - Sieve Analysis of Mineral Filler
GDT 24A - Determining the Theoretical Maximum Dry Density of Soils or Soil/aggregate Mixtures Containing > 45% retained on the no. 10 sieve
GDT 24B - Determining the Theoretical Maximum Dry Density of Soils or Aggregates Containing > 5% retained on 2-inch sieve using a 5.5 pound rammer and a 12 inch drop
GDT 25 - Determining Centrifuge Correction Factor
GDT 26 - Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method
GDT 27 - Slump of Portland Cement Concrete
GDT 28 - Weight Per Cubic Foot, Yield, and Air Content (gravimetric) of Concrete
GDT 29 - Flexural Strength of Concrete
GDT 30 - Determining Permeability of Underdrain Sand
GDT 31 - Measuring Length of Concrete Cores
GDT 32 - Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by Volumetric Method (highly porous, cellular, or lightweight aggregate)
GDT 35 - Making and Curing Concrete Compression and Flexure Test Specimens in the Field
GDT 36 - Bulking of Sand
GDT 37 - Bitumen Content of Paving Mixtures by Centrifuge
GDT 38 - Mechanical Analysis of Extracted Aggregate
GDT 39 - Specific Gravity of Compressed Bituminous Mixtures
GDT 41 - Moisture Content of Hay or Straw
GDT 42 - Measurement of Thickness of Bases and Subbases. Methods a and b
GDT 43 - Measuring Slurry Seal Wearing Quality
GDT 44 - Determining Frictional Value of Emulsified Asphalt for use in Slurry Seal
GDT 45 - Measuring the Thickness of Spelter Coating by use of a Magnetic Gage
GDT 47 - Joint Sealer Recovery
GDT 48 - Determining the Theoretical Maximum Dry Density of Soils containing < 25% retained on the no. 10 sieve using a 10 pound rammer and an 18 inch drop
GDT 49 - Determining the Theoretical Maximum of Dry Density of Materials containing > 25% retained on the no. 10 sieve using a 10 pound rammer and an 18 inch drop
GDT 51 - Determining Pulverization of Soil Mortar
GDT 52 - Determining the Moisture Contained in the Fine & Coarse Aggregates in the Hot Bins of Asphalt Plants
GDT 53 - Measurement of Reduction in Marshall Stability of Bituminous Pavements Cause by Immersion in Water
GDT 54 - Evaluation of Bituminous Mix Plant Silo
GDT 56 - Determining Moisture Damage Resistance and Evaluating/Approving Anti-Stripping Additives for QPL Inclusion
GDT-57 Determining the Bond Strength Between Layers of an Asphalt Pavement
GDT 58 - Epoxy Resin Adhesives
GDT 59 - Testing Density of Roadway Materials with Nuclear Gauges
GDT 61 - Determining Percent Insoluble Residue for Crushed Aggregates
GDT 62 - Hot Poured Joint Sealing Material
GDT 63 – 20 Standard Test Method for Plastic Fines in Graded Aggregates and Soils Use of the Sand Equivalent Test
GDT 65 - Laboratory Design of Soil-cement and Cement Stabilized Graded Aggregate
SOP 01:Monitoring the Quality of Coarse and Fine Aggregates
SOP 02: Control of Superpave Bituminous Mixture Designs
SOP 03: Quality Control and Quality Assurance of Precast/Prestressed Concrete Members and Structural Precast Concrete Members
SOP 04: Certification and Monitoring Procedure for Refineries/Terminals Supplying Performance Graded (PG) Asphalt Binder and Bituminous Materials to Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) Revised: 2/15/2024
SOP 05:Quality Control of Portland Cement and Blended Hydraulic Cements and Fly Ash and Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag
SOP 06: Quality Control of Fertilizer and Lime
SOP 07: Testing Management Branch Distribution/Storage of Test Reports
SOP 08: Fabricating, Handling, Transporting, Storing and Field Connections of Bridge Structural Steel
SOP 09:Inspection of Guardrail Beams
SOP 10: Quality Assurance for Concrete Plants in Georgia
SOP 11: Inspection of Steel H-Piles and Metal Shell Piles
SOP 12: Inspection of Corrugated Metal Pipe
SOP 13: Nuclear Moisture and Density Testing
SOP 14: Inspection of Traffic Paint
SOP 15: Certified Public Weighers
SOP 16: Inspection of Reinforcement Steel
SOP 17 B: Concrete - Acceptance of Miscellaneous Construction Items
SOP 17 C: Bituminous - Acceptance of Miscellaneous Construction Items
SOP 17: Physical and Chemical - Acceptance of Miscellaneous Construction Items
SOP 17: Inspection - Acceptance of Miscellaneous Construction Items
SOP 18: Inspection of Gray Iron Drainage Castings
SOP 19: Inspection of Concrete Pipe, Precast Manhole & Miscellaneous Precast Products
SOP 20: Preparation of Daily Activity Reports and Semi-Monthly Activity Reports
SOP 21: Cantilever Sign Structure Inspection Method
SOP 22: Acceptance of Asphalt Rubber Joint and Crack Sealant Revised: 3/11/2025
SOP 23: Testing Management Program
SOP 26: Inspection of Epoxy Coated Reinforcement Steel
SOP 27: Quality Assurance for Asphaltic Concrete Plants in Georgia
SOP 28: Inspection of Polyethylene (P.E.) and Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Corrugated Pipe Revised: 3/8/2016
SOP 29: Quality Assurance for Soil-Cement Base Construction
SOP 30: Independent Assurance Program Revised: 6/1/2019
SOP 31: Inspection of Treated Timber Products
SOP 33: Certification of Mechanically Stabilized Embankment Retaining Walls
SOP 34: Certification of Contractor Personnel and Equipment for Smoothness Testing of Portland Cement Concrete Pavement With The Rainhart Profilograph
SOP 35: SOP35 - Inspection of Highway Signs
SOP 36: Certification of Laboratory and Personnel For Design of Superpave Asphaltic Concrete Mixtures Revised: 10/7/2009
SOP 37: Inspection of Thermoplastic
SOP 37F: Inspection of Thermoplastic Striping Operations
SOP 38: Inspection of Glass Beads
SOP 39: Pavement Markings Field Inspection
SOP 40: Approval of Contractor Job Mix Formulas
SOP 41: Approval of Recycled Asphalt Pavement (RAP) for use in Asphalt Mixtures Revised: 1/1/0001
SOP 42: Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) & Traffic Signal System Components Revised 6/1/2015
SOP 43A: Approval of Warm Mix Asphaltic Concrete Water Injection Foaming Systems
SOP 43B: Approval of Warm Mix Asphaltic Concrete Mixtures
SOP 44: Approval of Material Transfer Vehicle (MTV) for Placement of Asphaltic Concrete
SOP 45: Approval of Non-contacting Laser and Sonar-type Electronic Grade and Slope Controls
SOP 46: Procedure for Calculating Pay Reduction for Failing
SOP 47: Approval of Non-Tracking Tack