Work Zone Safety​​

Georgia DOT reminds everyone that roadway work zones are hazardous for workers and for the public. In fact, most work zone fatalities are drivers or passengers. Whether you work in an office or on the roadways, everyone deserves to get home safely. Please remember to practice safe driving when traveling through work zones.​


2025 National Work Zone Awareness ​Week

April 21-25

National Work Zone Awareness Week is an annual campaign held at the start of the construction season to encourage safe driving through highway work zones. The 2025 theme — Respect the Zone So We Can All Get Home — reminds drivers to slow down and stay focused while approaching and passing through a roadway work zone.


Messages from Employees

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Activity Schedule

Monday, April 21

Work Zone Safety Training Day

Companies are​ encouraged to pause during the workday for safety demonstrations, discussions about safety policies and other prevention steps.​

Tuesday, April 22

National Kick-off

Share messages of support on social media for everyone who works in work zones across Georgia. Be sure to tag us @GADeptofTrans

Wednesday, April 23

Go Orange Day

Show your support for work zone safety by wearing orange and sharing your photo on social media.  Be sure to tag us.  Also, add an orange ribbon to your Facebook profile photo. It’s easy to do!​​​​​​​​​​


Thursday, April 24

Social Media Storm​

We'll share helpful tips on how to stay safe when traveling through work zones.  ​Tag us and share your stories about the importance of work zone safety.​

Friday, April 25​

Moment of Silence

Take a moment of silence in honor of all the fallen Georgia DOT workers who've died in work zone related incidents.

Spot the Difference

Photo Challenge

Each day this week we'll post a set of photos on social media that have five differences between each image. Connect with us on social media to participate.​​​​​



By the ​Num​bers

Open to the public airports  
Georgia DOT employees and contractors have died in work zone-related incidents since 1973 when accurate record-keeping began.
Takeoffs and landings 
Work zone crashes are associated with roadway departure and ​rear-end collisions.
Total number of crashes in Georgia work zones, resulting in 4,891 injuries and 62 fatalities in 2023.​

Funding  ​
Fatalities involving commercial motor vehicles and 9 pedestrian ​​involved fatalities in Georgia work zones. ​​​​

What is a Work Zone?
A work zone is an area of a traffic way with highway construction, maintenance, or utility work activities. A work zone is typically marked by signs, channeling devices, barriers, pavement markings, and/or work vehicles.

Why is Work Zone Safety Important?
Work Zone Safety prevents accidents and ensures the safety of workers and motorists, it is essential to implement effective work zone safety measures. These measures can include proper traffic control, the use of safety barriers and cones, and the provision of clear signage and instructions to motorists.

What is a good driving rule while driving through work zones?
Slow Down and move over if possible. Lane closures, traffic pattern shifts, and reduced speeds are common in work zones. Make sure to slow down when entering a work zone, move over a lane if possible, and keep an eye out for road workers.

What is a different kind of sign you use in the work zone?
Warning Signs - Construction and maintenance warning signs are used extensively in street and highway work zones. These signs are normally diamond shaped, having a black symbol or message on an orange background.

How fast should I drive near a work zone?
Federal guidelines exist and the average speed in a work zone is between 45 mph and 55 mph. This is to give drivers and workers enough time to react to dangerous situations. There are often signs indicating reduced speed zones ahead of construction zones as well.

How should I navigate through a work zone as a pedestrian?
It's always safest to simply avoid the construction area. If not practical to avoid the area completely, the pedestrian must be especially attentive and careful when using temporary routes that divert or detour pedestrians around the work zone.

How do I get construction notifications or traffic alerts before I leave home?
You can Call 511 from your phone, download the 511 app on your phone or simply visit

What is Georgia 511?
Georgia 511 is a free travel and traffic service courtesy of the Georgia Department of Transportation (Georgia DOT). This free travel service provides travel updates, roadside assistance, traffic congestion information, and more to the motoring public in the state of Georgia.

Is there free roadside assistance in Georgia?
Georgia DOT offers complimentary interstate highway assistance for motorists across Georgia. Call 511 for vehicle assistance or to report an issue.

First NameLast NameYear

    Safety Tips for Approaching and Driving in Work Zones

    Drive Safe. Work Safe. Save Lives.

    Obey the rules of work zones and be aware of construction vehicles entering or exiting the roadway.

    • Pay attention
    • Slow down (even in lighter than normal traffic)
    • Watch for workers and when possible, move over to provide a buffer lane between the work zone and your vehicle

    Expect the Unexpected.

    Things may change quickly. Normal speed limits may be reduced, traffic lanes may be closed, narrowed, or shifted, and people may work on or near the road.

    Slow Down. Don’t Tailgate.

    Speed is a factor in many accidents. Keep a safe distance between you and the car ahead of you, and the construction workers and their equipment.

    Obey Road Crew Flaggers and Pay Attention to Signs.

    Failure to obey speed limit signs or a flagger’s traffic control directions can result in hefty fines and/or imprisonment.

    Stay Alert and Minimize Distractions.

    Pay full attention to the roadway and avoid changing radio stations or using cell phones and other electronic devices.

    Keep Up with Traffic Flow.

    Do not slow down to gawk at road work.

    Know Before You Go.

    Expect delays, leave early and schedule enough time to drive safely. For 24/7 real-time traffic information, call 511 or visit before you get into the car. And follow Georgia DOT on Twitter for additional updates.

    Be Patient, Stay Calm.

    Crews are working to improve the road and to make your future drive better.

    Wear Your Seatbelt.

    It is your best defense in a crash. And make sure your passengers are buckled up.

    Watch Your Speed

    Never drive too fast for conditions or impaired by drugs, alcohol or sleeplessness, whether in a work zone or anywhere else

    Distracted driving is a key cause of many crashes, and this especially applies in work zones. In addition to DUI and impaired driving laws, Georgia driving laws include:

    Georgia’s Hands-Free Law

    Drivers, put down the phone. Georgia’s Hands-Free Law requires hands-free technology when drivers use cell phones and other electronic devices. It is illegal for a driver to hold a phone in their hand or use their body to support a phone.

    View Hands-Free Law

    Georgia's Move-Over Law

    Move over for stopped emergency vehicles. Georgia’s Move-Over Law requires drivers to move over one lane if possible when approaching stationary highway maintenance and construction workers, HERO and CHAMP operators, law enforcement or emergency vehicles, firefighters, paramedics, tow truck operators and utility service vehicles flashing emergency lights. If it unsafe to move over, slow down below the posted speed and be prepared to stop.

    View Move-Over-Law

    Georgia's Seat Belt Law

    Buckle up. While Georgia law requires that front seat passengers wear a safety belt, GDOT recommends that all occupants buckle up. In a crash, an unrestrained passenger can injure or kill another occupant.

    View Seat Belt Law