As people learn more about the effects of stormwater runoff and how it impacts the
quality of our streams, rivers, and lakes, they can take positive actions to help
reduce negative effects. Even simple changes can have far-reaching results that
benefit Georgia residents, businesses, ecosystems, and wildlife.
Georgia DOT has been working to detect and reduce the pollution that enters our
natural waters. In accordance with the MS4 permit, our stormwater management program
focuses on the following measures in an effort to reduce stormwater pollution:
- Public Education
- Public Involvement
- Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
- Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control
- Post-Construction Stormwater Management
- Pollution Prevention for Municipal Type Operations
These measures were designed to educate and inform the public on stormwater pollution and the impact it has on our ecosystems, as well as to reduce runoff pollution from Georgia DOT properties and construction sites. Although Georgia DOT has always strived to be a good steward of Georgia's environment and natural resources, we have stepped up our efforts to further enhance our stormwater management and water quality protection measures. Georgia DOT has implemented an impaired waters program that they use to identify existing impaired waters across the state. GDOT has also developed a Statewide Impaired Waters Plan (IWP) for Total Maximum Daily Load Compliance. The IWP describes GDOT activities designed to reduce GDOT pollutants of concern in TMDL watersheds.
Georgia DOT is conducting stormwater training for our employees, consultants, and contractors so that they are all informed of the most current and effective methods for reducing stormwater pollution. Refer to the Resources tab for the GDOT Drainage Design for Highways Manual for additional guidance on the design of post-construction stormwater BMPs. While Georgia DOT is already taking broad measures to prevent pollution from entering our stream, rivers, and lakes, there is still much that we can do together to help keep our water clean. The video, brochure and other resources on this page will tell you more about the actions we are taking to prevent stormwater pollution and how you can support this effort.