Currently, crashes on county roads and city streets, also known as off-system roads, account for over 40% of the fatalities in Georgia. The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) is taking an active role in reducing the number of fatalities on Georgia’s Off-System Roads. This requires a significant investment in improving safety on these routes by both local governments and GDOT.
In an effort to reduce the severity and frequency of crashes on off system routes, GDOT implemented the OSS program in 2005 in the State Traffic Operations Office. The OSS program is now administered by the Local Grants Office. As part of this program, funds are dispersed through the federal safety program in order to enhance safety on local routes through low-cost countermeasures such as striping and sign replacement as well as rumble strips and raised pavement marker installations. All work must be completed within existing rights of way; no additional pavement may be added.
If local governments are interested in receiving funds through the OSS program, they should, by January of the current fiscal year, contact the State Aid Coordinator for the district in which they are located.
Preferably, projects will be selected using a data driven approach. The State Aid Coordinator for each district will be identifying projects by reviewing crash data for all counties in their district and then determining where there is the greatest need for safety improvements. Route selection will be based on safety needs using crash summaries that will be updated annually by GDOT’s Office of Traffic Operations. Whenever possible each local government should provide written justification or any additional information regarding crash history and other safety issues on their off-system routes.

Before OSS Program

After OSS Program
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Coordinator |
Number |
If you need additional assistance please contact the Local Grants Office at: One Georgia Center | 600 West Peachtree St, NW Atlanta, GA 30308 | (404) 347-0240