Bicycle & Pedestrian​

The Georgia DOT’s Bicycle & Pedestrian Program incorporates a broad range of programs and initiatives throughout the state, offering technical assistance, engineering and planning guidance, public information, and educational materials and programs for cyclists, walkers, and visitors in Georgia.​


Rural Statewide Active Transportation Plan

Get Involved Now!

We need your help to improve walking and biking in rural areas! Please take a few mi​nutes to share your feedback before the public input survey closes.  in addition to taking the survey, you can also sign up to receive updates by clicking the link below.

Take Survey   View Plan

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Vulnerable Roadway User Safety Assessment  

Vulnerable Roadway User Safety Assessment

The Vulnerable Roadway User Safety Assessment addresses the increase in fatality rates among​ pedestrians or cyclists on Georgia's transportation system and identifies a strategy to combat this trend . ​​

View Report ​​​​​

Georgia Bicycle Route Map


Cemetery Locator 

U.S. Bicycle Route System

U.S. Bicycle Route 21 (USBR 21), is Georgia’s first USBR designation. The route terminates in downtown Atlanta at the Five Points MARTA Train Station, leaves Atlanta on Peachtree Street, and then connects to the Silver Comet Trail. USBR 21 deviates north from the Silver Comet Trail in the city of Cedartown. The route is then mainly on two-lane country roads to bring bicyclists through northwest Georgia to Chattanooga.

USBR 21 Map    USBR Info​​​​​​​​​

Pedestrian & Streetscape Guide

Pedestrian & Streetscape Guide

This guide contains guidelines and best practices for the design of streets and roadways that support safe multimodal travel.

View Guide

Georgia Laws & Policies

Georgia law requires drivers to stop and stay stopped for pedestrians in crosswalks on the driver’s side of the road or within one lane of the driver’s side of the road. Never pass a car stopped at a crosswalk.

Pedestrian Safety
Propel ATL
Governor's Office of Highway Safety
Georgia Law: Sections 40-6-90 - 40-6-101
Georgia Law: 40-6-21
Georgia Law: 40-6-22
Georgia Law: 40-6-72

Georgia law requires drivers to pass people biking in the street by at least 3 feet. Drivers should slow down and wait until it’s safe to pass with at least 3 feet. Also, It is less safe and illegal for bicyclists to ride on sidewalks.

Bicyclist Safety
Georgia Bikes
Governor's Office of Highway Safety
Georgia Law: Sections 40-6-90 - 40-6-101
Georgia Law: Sections 40-6-290 - 40-6-299
Untitled 1

Contact Information

For more information about the Bicycle and Pedestrian Program, please contact:

State Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator 
935 United Ave SE, Atlanta, GA 30316
(404) 635-2824

    Email     ​​​​​​