Improving Safety and Reducing Crashes
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) encourages the addition of medians and refuge islands, due to the increase in safety for pedestrians and motor vehicles.
Head-on crash rate for divided highways was 30% of the rate on undivided highways
Intersection crash rate was 24% of the rate on undivided highways
Total crash rates on divided highways were 42% less than on undivided highways
On roads with traffic > 24,000 VPD, reducing unrestricted left turns is key to reducing crashes
Improved lighting at pedestrian crossing locations has shown to reduce nighttime pedestrian fatalities at crossings by 78%
What are Medians?
A portion of the roadway that separates opposing streams of traffic. Medians convert a “two- way” movement into two “one-way” movements. There are three types of medians: Raised, Flush and Depressed. Median types are selected based on criteria.
Raised Median
Raised medians manages access and improves safety. Also, provides pedestrian refuge.
- Arterials with traffic volume of > 18,000 and future volume projected at > 24,000 vehicles per day
- High turning volumes
- High crash rates
- Number of driveways
- Pedestrian crossings
Raised medians concentrate left turn movements and provide the following benefits.
- Reduce motor vehicle crashes by 15%
- Decrease delays (>30%) for motorists
- Increase roadway capacity (>30%)
- Reduce vehicle speeds on the roadway
- Provide space for landscaping within the right-of-way
Flush Median
Flush medians use “two-way left-turn lane” (TWLTL) in urban /suburban areas.
- Design speeds of 45 mph or less
- Current traffic volume of < 18,000 and future traffic volume projected at < 24,000 vehicles per day
Research Data
- Capacity increased by 30%
- Delay decreased by 30%
- Total crashes were reduced 35%
Depressed Median
Depressed grass medians allow higher speeds on state “through” routes.
- Typically rural setting
- Higher speeds, with greater recovery area
- Most effective for reducing crashes
- Provide greater safety at high speeds
- Provide a larger recovery zone
- Reduce crashes and improve survival rates
- Provide landscaping opportunities
Pedestrian Safety
Rates for vehicle crashes involving pedestrians on urban arterials are 5 times higher on undivided roads than on roadways with medians. Pedestrian-vehicle crash rates were higher at mid-block on undivided highways than at mid-block in raised median sections.
Raised Medians
- Provide pedestrians refuge from traffic
- Allow safer crossings in areas of pedestrian activity
- Protect pedestrians by minimizing vehicle left turn movements