NOTE: Trying to run the Deed Writer installation program from this
location may conflict with installed security software resulting in an unsuccessful
installation. After clicking the download icon for Deed Writer 2.4.4, respond to
the security warning dialog by clicking ‘Save’ instead of ‘Run’ and save the ‘Deed.exe’
file to your computer and then double click the ‘Deed.exe’ icon in the saved location
to begin installation.
Deed Writer Program Instructions
Generate basic deeds and remnant deeds with standard easements. Deed Writer Install Instructions
8/16/2021 8/16/2021

GDOT Ditch Lining Design Tool
Version 1.3 of the Microsoft Excel tool to design channel lining. This version of the tool replaces v1.0 created back in 2016 by the office of Design Policy and Support. After clicking the download icon to the right, please click the RUN or SAVE button on the File Download - Security Warning dialog box. The included files will be saved to the GDOTdata folder on the C: drive. Copy the shortcut file to your desktop. Please open the ‘README’ file included in your download for setup instructions. If Excel's Macro Security is not set properly, you will not be able to run the tool.
GDOT Pavement Design Tool v2.0
Version 2.0 of the Microsoft Excel tool to design flexible and rigid pavement structures.
This version of the tool replaces v1.0 and the WIN_APD software application updated
in 2001. Afer clicking the download icon to the right, please click the RUN or SAVE
button on the File Download - Security Warning dialog box. The included files will
be saved to the GDOTdata folder on the C: drive. Copy the shortcut file to your
desktop. Please open the User Guide and read at least the Setup instructions. If
Excel's Macro Security is not set properly, you will not be able to run the
Updated 7/2013
Property Statistics Report
Maintains flats surveyed or to be surveyed and generates necessary reports, notices,
and labels.
Updated 8/2018