Statewide Transportation Improvement Program ​

The Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), is Georgia’s four-year transportation and capital improvements program. The STIP lists federally-funded transportation projects that are located outside Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) boundaries. Each MPO develops its own Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The TIPs are included in the STIP by reference without modification once approved by the MPO and the Governor, or his designee. Projects include highway, bridge, public transit, bike, pedestrian, railroad, and other improvements.

Amended FY 2024 – 2027 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)

Georgia DOT proposes to amend the Fiscal Year 2025 portion of the FY 2024 – 2027 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). This amendment is being done to redemonstrate fiscal constraints for FY 2025 and also reflect any project phase changes that have occurred since the current STIP’s joint approval by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA).

Georgia DOT encourages the public to share their thoughts on the materials included in the proposed FY 2025 STIP amendment. The public comment period is open and will close on September 30, 2024.

Amended Project List   Financial Tables   Informational Appendix   Submit Feedback
STIP FY 21-24 ​​​​​​


Georgia DOT is pleased to present the FINAL Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) for Fiscal​ Years 2024 through 2027.

FY 24-27 STIP   Spanish Version  

Performance Report   Informational Appendix

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STIP FY 21-24  

DRAFT: Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)

FY 24-27


The Draft Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) covers fiscal years 2024 through 2027. Project pages, organized in alphabetical order by county, in this document can be printed out if you would like to view a hard copy of the project information.

View Draft STIP

Amendments PI#(s)

How is the STIP Developed?

The STIP is developed in coordination with the citizens of Georgia, interested stakeholders, and in direct cooperation with local governments.  Projects listed in the STIP are identified through the Department's ongoing planning processes in keeping with the Governor’s strategic goals for Georgia to provide a lean and responsive state government that allows communities, individuals, and businesses to prosper.  

Understanding STIP Entries

Select previous versions of the STIP from the drop down menu.

Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO)

The MPO Transportation Improvement Programs are included via reference in the STIP. For information about MPO projects in Georgia, please select an MPO from the list.
NOTE: Please contact the appropriate MPO for more information about getting involved in the transportation planning process.



Public Involvement

The STIP Public Involvement Process gives all citizens and interested stakeholders the opportunity to review and comment on the State’s transportation priorities for the next four fiscal years. The public is encouraged to become involved and provide GDOT with thoughts, suggestions, and information about transportation needs for Georgia.

STIP (FY 24 - FY 27)


Consultation Process with Local Officials Non-Metropolitan Areas

Public Outreach Notification

For notifications of STIP public outreach, please send an email with your name, title, organization, and mailing address to or call (404) 631-1987.




Please send your questions and comm​ents reg​arding STIP to our Planning Office.​


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