Research Projects & Reports

Georgia DOT's research and development program is broad-based and is aimed at applying new technology to the full range of GDOT activities. The program includes in-house research, contract research, and participation in national research activities.

Transportation Research Expo


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Cemetery Locator  

Active Research Projects



Georgia DOT provides matching funding for the Georgia Transportation Institute (GTI) University Transportation Center.This link will direct you to a non-GDOT website. The GTI-UTC is a consortium of Georgia universities active in transportation research and education and is a Tier I University Transportation Center with Federal sponsorship. 

GTI is headquartered at the Georgia Institute of Technology and coordinates activities of researchers at the following universities:

  • Albany State University
  • Clark Atlanta University
  • Georgia Southern University
  • Georgia State University
  • Southern Polytechnic State University
  • University of Georgia

More than 40 researchers are active in research on topics including policy and planning, environmental issues, transportation technology, transportation infrastructure, and traffic operations. GTI-UTC, in cooperation with GDOT, sponsors annual research conferences to discuss research needs.

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Cemetery Locator  

Roy A. Flynt Library

This library includes more than 18,000 volumes of transportation-related books, reports, journals, and specifications.

Visit Library​​
