Project ID: 342970- Notice to Proceed Date:
Project Manager: Albert V. Shelby III Construction Percent Complete: %
Office: Program Delivery Current Completion Date:
County: Clayton, Henry Work Completion Date:
Congressional District: 013 Construction Contract Amount:
State Senate District.: 017 Construction Contractor:
State House District: 074, 075, 078 Preconstruction Status Report
Project Type: Reconstruction/Rehabilitation Construction Status Report
Project Status: Long Range Program More Information...
Right of Way Authorization: Contact Us
Project Description:
The proposed Project STP-1583(12), Clayton and Henry Counties would provide for the widening and reconstruction of Jonesboro Road from the intersection of US 19/US 41/Tara Boulevard to Mill Road (west of Interstate 75), for a length of approximately 7.5 miles. The proposed project would widen the existing two-lane roadway to four lanes with a raised median and curb and gutter on the outside. The proposed typical section would consist of two, 12-foot lanes in each direction divided by a 20-foot raised median with 4-foot bike lanes and 12-foot shoulders. The proposed right-of-way would vary from 92 feet to 150 feet.
ActivityProgram YearCost EstimateDate of Last Estimate
PE (Preliminary Engineering)2006$6,756,685.495/29/2018
PE (Preliminary Engineering)2014$3,189,234.715/29/2018
PE (Preliminary Engineering)2030$5,000,000.005/29/2018
ROW (Right of Way)2032$17,576,000.00 
UTL (Utilities)2035$5,554,150.00 
CST (Construction)2035$51,666,225.00 
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